Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Orion, The King in the Woods

I entered Orion into Golden Demon 2014 but unfortunately it didn't reach the finals. There is a quite a few factors that I believe let it down. My conversion work was a little off, the left shoulder was a bit too pointed and noticeably higher than the right. His left arm looks a little disjointed from behind and also his left thumb is huge. If I had had more time I would of completely re-sculpted the entire left arm. The cloak of leaves I believe aren't well sculpted either, again I think I would of done a completely new cloak, maybe just a smooth one.

With the painting I'm not sure I would of done too much different except not rush it as much. The only part I wasn't happy with was the leave cloak which I couldn't get right but they were hard to distinguish where each leave began and ended.

For next years Golden Demon I'll be working on my entries all year but first I'm entering Salute in the UK on the 25th of April 2015.


Monday, 24 March 2014

Commission news

Hi everyone,
I am currently taking on commissions again so if you or someone you know would like something painted and would like me to paint it let me know.
Four weeks ago my daughter was born so I can't take on anything too big and while I will do all I can to get jobs finished as fast as possible some patience may be needed but I will keep in touch the whole time to let you know of progress.
Feel free to look at my work on this blog or on my Facebook page which is
If you have any questions just message me and I will reply as soon as I can.


Retribution of Scyrah

I recently picked up the start of my Retribution of Scyrah army for Warmachine. I chose Retribution purely for the miniatures. Personally I think they have some of the best looking miniatures in Warmachine, I'm even beginning to like their Jacks which I wasn't too sure on at first.
I decided to shy away from the Studio white and green colour scheme as I felt I wanted something more unique to help them stand out so I chose an orangy red for the armour and a burgundy and deep purple for the cloth with gold and silver details and blue glow.
They were very enjoyable to paint. I didn't get distracted by other projects while working on them. I'm looking forward to getting more Scyrah in the future, hopefully a couple of Jacks and at least one unit.

Other Golden Demon UK 2013 entries

My other two entries to Golden Demon UK 2013 are Gollum and the Forge World show only Skin Wolf.
Gollum was a finalist but unfortunately the Skin Wolf didn't make the cut.
I did a bit of experimenting with both of them. On Gollum I used some ready mixed water effects from Vallejo. It didn't quite turn out as nice as I hoped but I was still happy with the result.
With the Skin Wolf I wanted it to be quite gory so I made some dripping gore using Uhu glue simply by stretching it from one part of the model to another then painting it with a mix of 70% red ink, 10% brown ink and 10% gloss varnish. I'm happy with how it turned out.
If you'd like to know any more just let me know.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

My Bronze winning Golden Demon UK 2013 entry

Hi everyone. Going back to last year I went to Games Day UK on the 29th September 2013. It was a brilliant day made better by less people being there. I got to see more. The main reason I go is to enter Golden Demon. I had three entries for this one. Luckily I won my first Demon, a Bronze in the duel category. Here's some photos of my entry. If you would like to know anything about it let me know. My other entries will be in another post.